Herbs combined together is synergistically stronger and safer
in countering side effects
Herbal formula consist of :
**Board Certified Herbalists must know classifications, actions and contraindications of about 360 common herbs including >100 ancient classic formulas that are references for today's health conditions.**
Can resolve multi health symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, digestion and fatigue in ONE customized formulation.
Herbs work synergistically to increase healing and counteract side effects unlike western meds with known side effects.
Supplement acupuncture to prolong the efficacy of the treatment
Herbs intake are not risk free and crafting a formula with correct herb pairings and herbal dosage is a complex process.
An experienced herbalist does not just have textbook understanding but years of prescribing herbs to thousands of patients to truly understand herbs efficacy.
The herbal specialist is well versed in drug-herb interactions and allergic reactions.
Chinese herbal therapy is commonly used to:
Dr. Yong En Shi has over 60 years of clinical experiences treating patients with acupuncture and herbs.
He is a teacher, noted expert and speaker on Chinese herbs & health within the NY Chinese Medicine Community.